Vayeishev | וישב
Lisa Rauchwerger, USA
The story of Joseph is filled with opposite extremes: famine and plenty, dreams and reality, honesty and deception, blessing and curse, ruler and slave, favoritism and hatred. This visual interpretation attempts to symbolically illustrate these extremes. Three times Joseph is at the pinnacle of favor; three times he is in the depths, both literally and figuratively. This rising and falling is symbolized by the triangular composition that frames my artwork.
Parchment Cut and Watercolor, 2010
Professional Background Lisa Rauchwerger is a San Jose-based artist, author, illustrator, and chef, specializing in Judaic papercut midrash, paper sculpture, ketubot, graphics, calligraphy, and edible fondant sculpture. She is the author and illustrator of the best-selling family cookbook, Chocolate Chip Challah and other Twists on the Jewish Holiday Table, Behrman House, 2007.