NOah | נח
Ilene Winn-Lederer, USA
Noach and his wife, Na’amah, flank the central figure of the Shechinah, the feminine aspect of God, who holds a flaming sword and an olive branch. These items signify the attributes of צדק / justice and רחמים / mercy, two of the three pillars that support the metaphysical Tree of Life. Suspended from her ears are the first initials of those Hebrew words, צ and ר. Her veil covers only one eye, illustrating that justice and mercy must objectively temper each other. The double eagle on her crown underscores this duality, which is the underlying theme for the book of Noach: illuminating heavenly and earthly actions and their consequences.
Ink, acrylic, watercolor on parchment, 2015
Professional Background Pittsburgh based Ilene Winn-Lederer creates original art and books published under her imprint, Imaginarius Editions. She attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Winn-Lederer is author and illustrator of Between Heaven and Earth: An Illuminated Torah Commentary (Pomegranate, 2009).