במדבר |B’midbar
Doni Silver Simons, USA
Within its deceptive simplicity, the repetitive mark offers much information. It speaks about intervals and alludes to counting, to recording, to time, to density, and to place. The subtle variation of each individual mark begins to exert itself when there are many marks present. While always remaining part of the whole, each mark exists within its own space — as do individual people. United in bundles of five, an allusion to grouping — micro to macro — the marks conceptually represent the individual within the whole.
Acrylic and charcoal on parchment, 2015
Professional Background Doni Silver Simons is a painter, an installation artist, and durational performance artist. A recipient of numerous grants and commissions, Simons’ work is in many private and public collections in the United States, Israel, and England. She lives and works in Los Angeles.